

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Welcome to the PETRA People Blog!
Discussing health and corruption in the international Christian community.
Discussing information/updates from the PETRA People web site.


  1. Nothing never happens.
    This is why there are usually devastating consequences for staying neutral in the context of deviance. The quote on the PETRA People website about non-cooperation with evil and co-operation with good is thorougly relevant for dealing with NCI. It's not too late.

  2. What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but loses his own soul?

  3. "Note: We are all entitled to our own opinions but not to our own facts. So please use the Comments feature in the weblog responsibly."

    Mr O'Donnell - did you take the above note into consideration when posting some of the strongly slanted 'facts' on this website? I do not believe you are as objective and truth seeking as you might wish to appear. Knowing your background and the background of this case, I am fully aware that you are driven by a vindictive spirit and are out to cause damage - not repair. This website is merely an extention of that aim.

  4. I second Ruth's: "Those who have nothing to fear should welcome an open investigation into all of these matters. Why not if nothing is amiss?" Ruth Van Reken

    Does anyone have any comments on the money flows documents? Have a look at 3. NCI Documents - they are pretty enlightening.

    As for the Anonymous comment 27.4, having known Dr O'Donnell for over 15 years, he is one of the most professional, straight-talking people I have ever known - completely the opposite of a 'vindictive spirit'. One who is very considerate of others on a personal and professional level and very good at empathising and walking in the shoes of others. DAS
