

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Requests for Assistance (May 2011)

Healing the Body
Detail of a weeping angel--supporting Christ's broken body.
(Da Messina)

In light of the PETRA Statement, we strongly urge the following organisations to provide assistance by reviewing and disclosing how NCI has affected them. It is not appropriate—ethical—to simply try to “move on” and the leaders in these organisations have a crucial responsibility to help. We also encourage them to review how they have responded to the NCI matter. How have they been “affected” and how have they responded? There is much to learn and many ways to help themselves, victim-investors, as well as the church-mission community (CMC).

1. The Mercy Ministry Boards related to Le Rucher Ministries (including past and current Board members). This is especially important since there has been no independent audit and public disclosure of the NCI-related money that has gone to/from Mercy Ministries international and New Generation Foundation.  According to Swedish documents from the national Economic Crimes Bureau (EBM), there have been hundreds of thousands of dollars.

2.  Youth With A Mission (YWAM) senior and International Leaders. NCI is an affinity-based scheme and YWAM is the main organisation that has been affected. Major YWAM leaders have invested since at least 1999 and YWAM projects have received NCI-related money. Senior leaders have consistently denied that senior/international leaders were aware of NCI and  that one of the major YWAM leaders actively involved  in NCI (administering contracts, receiving NCI funds, etc) was not properly part of YWAM (nor was this person’s YWAM organization).  Hence there is no YWAM responsibility. All of these assertions are thoroughly contrary to the documentation which is presented on this web site. YWAM leaders internationally are urged yet again to get informed and to call for/set up an independent review, and to hold their senior leaders accountable.

3. Mercy Ships. An Austrian court document from 2001 and other EBM documents indicate that Mercy Ships (part of YWAM until 2003) was to benefit from NCI funds related to a three million US dollar transaction that was frozen by the Austrian government in November 2001.  How does this transaction and other NCI-related money flows relate to this respected organization and especially the refitting of the African Mercy? Note this is not an accusation but just a core unanswered question that has yet to be investigated.

4. Youth For Christ (YFC) in Coppet, Switzerland. YFC’s physical address was used for a substantial amount of NCI-related correspondence. Why? YFC is a respected organization yet has not fully investigated and verifiably disclosed what their relationship was with NCI and any possible benefits.

5. Churches in The Netherlands and in France, especially Crossroads church in Ferney Voltaire, France. Members of and people attending Crossroads church were approached to invest in NCI and many of them have done so over the years. The former pastor for example was approached to invest in 1995. This respected church has yet to inform their congregation (past and current members/attendees) about NCI and sought out information from them to help.

6. Many investors and people overseeing projects receiving NCI money have stayed silent and not shared openly about NCI. Some of these investors have had three or more contracts with NCI (e.g., contracts related to other investors’ contracts, contracts for ministries and receiving NCI-money related to the people they have brought into NCI. The NCI Analysis section of this site could be an appropriate place to share such disclosures.

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