

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Wising Up and Rising Up (Dec 2013- Jan 2014)

Information and Action

This entry focuses on the importance of preventing and confronting fraud/corruption via accurate information and legal action. There are two parts.

Part one (wising up) provides links to helpful articles and websites with current information on fraud, emphasizing religious institutions in the USA. Part two (rising up) presents a rationale for taking legal action especially within the Christian community. Both wising up (facts) and rising up (courts) are key for pursuing justice and protecting people.

Part One—Wising Up
Current Information and Examples of Fraud
The materials and links below delve into fraud in religious and non-profit organizations in the USA. They are very informative and certainly worth reading. The number and types of fraud cases are staggering—and seemingly exist everywhere. The applications go far beyond the USA and far beyond the religious/humanitarian community. They are also especially relevant for the NCI et al. fraud with regards to the huge numbers of ecclesiastical crimes NOT reported, criminal and/or unethical actions being rationalized, intentional and disguised cover-ups, leadership hubris/narcissism, superficial justifications for not taking action, tolerating questionable activities/people for the sake of organizational productivity/stability, discrediting and dismissals of whistleblowers, and so on.

(Forbes online article,18 November 2013)

(Washington Post online article,. 26 October 2013)

(website briefly describing many frauds affecting USA religious institutions)

(Insead online article, 7 February 2013)

Part Two—Rising Up
Legal Solutions for Justice and Protection
So far there have been at least four legal cases related to the NCI et al. Fraud, with various levels of government investigation in at least two other countries. The legal story is clearly not over yet nor are the efforts of civil society. The article/link below addresses the importance and appropriateness of taking legal action by Christians (the relevance of out-of-court professional mediation is another topic). It offers viewpoints on the validity of taking responsible. “biblical” action through the courts. In so doing it counters the assertions that Christians should not take legal recourse against others, especially Christians, as it is “unbiblical,” a bad “witness,” displeasing to God, and thus sinful. It highlights examples of how Jesus Christ and St. Paul took legal action at different times in order to defend themselves rather turning the other cheek. The article is also clear on the importance of having pure motives. So seeking justice and protection for self and others is a matter of the human heart for sure—virtuous motives--but is also often a matter of the (God-ordained) human courts as well.

Excerpts: On Suing A Christian Brother In The Civil Courts by Stanley W. Paher, The Examiner, Volume 3, Number 5 


“…it is said that a Christian is forbidden to file in civil court against another brother because a higher and better court, the church itself, should try any dispute. Realistically, is the local church competent to judge intricate matters of law? What about the following examples?

(a) Real Property Disputes. Are members experts on deeds, covenants, surveyors reports, and do they possess the knowledge of real estate values to make a settlement? It is tough enough for lawyers and elected officials to read and understand these documents.

(b) Divorce. If the church decides, can it judge as to both moral guilt and innocence and a proper property settlement, custodial rights, and similar entanglements between the parties involved? No.

(c) Overdue Debts. Can the church order the repayment of a loan or handle a foreclosure? Can a church preside over a bankruptcy? Is the church competent to interpret lengthy contracts and determine its various components in relation to the facts and events? Is the church empowered to enforce penalty clauses of contracts? Of course not.

(d) Theft, Invasion of Privacy, Eavesdropping, Slander, or willful disregard of civil rights, such as the right to face and cross examine accusers. Does the church have the talent or resources to resolve these matters and compel compliance as to its decisions? Can the church insure, as do the courts of this land, due process of law and equal protection of law? Hardly.

In these matters, each of which is greater than mere personal disputes among Christians, God has ordained civil government to establish a system of courts for their resolution. They are responsible, and Christians do not sin when they employ the courts for protection, whether it be marital infidelity, financial fraud, stealing the good name of a brother by slander, theft, or any other legal complaint. As Hoyt Houchen states, legitimate use of governmental courts is not even contemplated in 1 Corinthians 6.

Scripturally, the church may judge only matters between and among disciples common offenses such as name calling, mistreatment of others, ill-behavior -PERSONAL grievances. Should the church try to decide LEGAL matters routinely handled in civil courts, it would act beyond its jurisdictional competence. The division of responsibility is clear: the disciples should handle their own internal disciplinary matters and PERSONAL disputes between brethren, while the civil courts are the proper venue for any kind of LEGAL differences, even those between Christians. No nation would ever permit a Church of Christ to issue binding legal decisions which affect the public welfare….

The lesson is clear. Let not crooked church members take for their own wicked uses and spiritual aggrandizement that which belongs to the faithful, who have often allowed such takeover without a fight, just because of a traditional, mistaken view of 1 Corinthians 6:1-8.”

Summary Thoughts
NCI et al. needs to be further confronted. This evil will not “go away” until it is further uncovered and justice is done. It is up to the courts as well as civil society and the church-mission community. It is up to the many specific people who have information to help and who have been affected along with their organizations. It is up to leaders at all levels within in the church, mission, and humanitarian community to break ranks and to do what is right. Who will wise up and rise up for the sake of justice and vulnerable people?

Friday, 27 September 2013

Going Wrong (Oct-Nov 2013)

Can good values prevent our descent into deception?
Can good values help our ascent from deception?

We’re Going Wrong (Cream, originally recorded/released in 1967)
2005 Royal Albert Hall version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hlx5s96gDvI
 Deception: it is never too far away from us. It is entrenched in our cores, in our colleagues, in our companies, definitely in our commercials, our communities, countries, and depending on one’s worldview, perhaps even in the cosmos. Fortunately, so also is virtue.
This entry offers several core quotes about the nature of deception (part one, primarily from social psychologists) and about values to support personal and financial integrity (part two, from mission organizations). It continues the call by the 100+ signatories of the Shine the Light—Together petition, made to all those affected by the NCI et al fraud. Those being called to help (in addition to government investigative bodies) include specific organisations in the church-mission and humanitarian communities; former and current personnel, leaders, board members, donors, and partners; projects and people receiving NCI money; and all those who have information and influence to help. This entry also echoes one of Rand Guebert’s consistent concerns in his professional review regarding NCI et al: One question arises over and over in this review--where is the ethical and accountable corporate governance?” (Integrated Executive Summary, p. 9)

Descending into Deception
“So what are the seven social processes that grease the slippery slope of evil? Mindlessly taking the first small step. Dehumanization of others. De-individuation of self. Diffusion of personal responsibility. Blind obedience to authority. Uncritical conformity to group norms. Passive tolerance to evil through inaction or indifference.”  Philip Zimbardo, The Psychology of Evil, TedTalk   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsFEV35tWsg
“When we make mistakes, we must calm the cognitive dissonance [inner disharmony between our ideal self and actual self] that jars our feelings of self-worth. And so we create fictions that absolve us of responsibility, restoring our belief that we are smart, moral, and right—a belief that is dumb, immoral, and wrong."
 "Most people, when directly confronted by evidence that they are wrong, do not change their point of view or course of action but justify it even more tenaciously. Even irrefutable evidence is rarely enough to pierce the mental armor of self-justification….That is why self-justification is more powerful and more dangerous than the explicit lie. It allows people to convince themselves that what they did was the best thing they could have done. In fact, come to think of it, it was the right thing. “There was nothing else I could have done.” “Actually, it was a brilliant solution to the problem.” “It was doing the best for the nation….Now between the conscious lie to fool others and unconscious self-justification to fool ourselves lies a fascinating gray area, patrolled by that unreliable, self-serving historian—memory. Memories are often pruned and shaped by an ego-enhancing bias that blurs the edges of past events, softens culpability, and distorts what really happened…Over time, as the self-serving distortions of memory kick in and we forget or distort past events, we may come to believe our own lies, little by little….Before long, we have persuaded ourselves, believing privately what we originally said publically…."
"Yet mindless self-justification, like quicksand, can draw us deeper into disaster. It blocks our ability to even see our errors, let alone correct them. It distorts reality, keeping us from getting all the information we need and assessing issues clearly. It prolongs and widens rifts between lovers, friends, and nations. It keeps us from letting go of unhealthy habits. It permits the guilty to avoid taking responsibility for their deeds. And it keeps many professionals from changing outdated attitudes and procedures that can be harmful to the public." Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson.  Mistakes Were Made (but not by me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts, 2007(excerpts from overleaf, pp. 4-10)
“But at any time an organization makes a seriously wrong decision, its leaders should call for an intensive postmortem. Such learning opportunities are too often overlooked. The tendency is simply to call on the public relations department to spin the mater, to make another inadequately thought-out decision, and perhaps to scapegoat, even fire, a few staff members. Because most companies cover up their mistakes instead of learning from them, systemic flaws in information flow tend to remain to do their damage another day….Pride in belonging to a high-performing or a high-status group and the cozy sense of belonging to a tight-knit organizational “family” can be genuine sources of professional satisfaction. The paradox is that there is a dark side to belonging—the almost reflexive temptation to spin information in ways that protect the group’s shared pride, to make the group look better than it really is, or even simply to preserve the group. All these make it easier for group members to suppress information or distort it.”  Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, and James O'Toole, with Patricia Ward Biederman. Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor, 2007 (pp. 22-23; 35-36)
"Using a variety of influence tactics, the psychopaths manipulated their network of one-on-one personal bonds to gather information they could use to advance their own careers, derail the careers of rivals, or enlist technical support when the company made demands on them (to actually do their jobs). Specifically, their game plans involved manipulating communication networks to enhance their own reputation, to disparage others, and to create conflicts and rivalries among organization members, thereby keeping them from sharing information that might uncover the deceit. They also spread disinformation in the interest of protecting their scam and furthering their own careers. Being exceedingly clever and secretive, they were able to cloak their association with the disinformation, leading others to believe that they were innocent of manipulation. (pp. 129-130)....Unfortunately no group is more surprised to learn that they have been psychologically manipulated than those who believe they are smarter and stronger than others, no matter how true this may be....(p. 131)We did find coworkers, peers, and executives who saw through some of the manipulation and deceit...Unfortunately few brought their concerns to the "victims" or to management. Reasons for this silence most often included " I'm minding my own business"; " No one would listen to me"; and "It's not my place to intervene."(p.133) ....Eventually it became obvious that the psychopaths were effectively balancing the discrepant views of their coworkers, and relying on consistent charm, occasional intimidation, and basic trusting nature of people, and frequent organizational changes to maintain their fictional personas in the eyes of those who mattered most....(p. 136) Eventually someone tries to do something about it. A former pawn might challenge or confront the individual, and perhaps even try to bring the situation to the attention of higher ups. Unfortunately, by this time the psychopath is well positioned through the networks already established with others in the power hierarchy. The tables are turned because the credibility of the complaining employee has already been "managed" and undermined. The employee wonders what has happened. As potential rivals and detractors are neutralized, the psychopath is free to continue operations unchallenged.....(p. 138) Unfortunately some unnamed victims were reorganized out of their jobs, had their careers derailed, or left their companies in disgust." (p.140)  Paul Babiak and Robert Hare, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work, 2006 (excerpts from chapter six; Pawns, Patrons, and Patsies)
 Committing to Values--Valuing Commitments
World Evangelical Alliance: Mission Commission
"[This code spurs us]…to integrity and to holiness, to faithfulness to our marital vows, to full financial transparency, to personal and corporate transformational disciple­ship, to serious mutual accountability, and to the honourable treatment of each other as created in the image of God. The degree to which we fall short may determine whether we ought to continue in ministry and as Associates of the WEA Mission Commission….We commit ourselves to financial integrity. We accept our responsibility as stewards of God’s resources. We will reveal our fund­ing proposals and open our personal financial records to trusted colleagues for their critique. Our corporate financial books will be evaluated by competent accounting firms who can examine our finances and by courageous colleagues who can evaluate our motives and processes as we raise, account for and utilize funds." (Connections, August 2007, pp. 12ff). Retrieved from: 
 Global Connections, UK
"Members are expected to maintain high standards of integrity in the areas of publicity, fund raising and accountancy, which will commend the cause of world mission as represented by Global Connections….In all activities, members should be characterised by honesty, integrity and a validity of purpose, method and means, in harmony with Christian principles, as well as with a recognition of the laws of the lands in which it works….In the raising and use of funds, members have obligations to donors, the Christian public and people with whom they work, to ensure that income is used solely to fulfil the declared objectives. This obligation includes: Publishing clear statements on the proposed use of funds. Having an annual audit (or independent examination) of the accounts in line with the Charities Act and if appropriate the Companies Act. These should be made available to donors and the general public upon reasonable request. Having clear management systems and clear evidence that fund raising and disbursement authority is not vested exclusively in any one individual. Ensuring that the expenditure on administrative overheads and publicity is kept to a level consistent with efficiency. Providing simple understandable reports, charts and diagrams to show the public how funds has been used." Retrieved from:
Youth With A Mission
"We are called to lead holy and righteous lives that exemplify the nature and character of God….YWAM affirms that everything exists because God communicates. Therefore, YWAM is committed to truthful, accurate, timely and relevant communication. We believe good communication is essential for strong relationships, healthy families and communities, and effective ministry." Retrieved from:
Mercy Ships International
"Mercy Ships is committed to being completely transparent with you. Donors like you deserve more than vague overviews. You deserve to see how your contributions directly impact those in need of critical care and love. View our financials page to download our annual reports, audit reports, and form 990s. If you need anything else, call us. We love talking with our partners about all that we’re doing to reach the world’s forgotten poor." Retrieved from:  https://www.mercyships.org/financials/
In Summary
There are two ways, one of life and one of death,
and there is a great difference between these two ways.
Didache, circa 70 a.d.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

PETRA People Review (Aug-Sept 2013)

Staying the Course

If you don’t go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don’t deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you’ll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you’ll find both yourself and me. Jesus Christ, Matthew 10: 38-39, The Message
In this entry we review the previous postings on the weblog and list many of the core concerns about corruption and NCI. This entry thus provides you with succinct material for perspective, clarity, and above all ethical action. It is intended to help people break through the ongoing apathy, blindness, and deception (including self-deception)  that plague the church-mission community regarding NCI et al. Above all it is meant to awaken moral courage--to embolden you to do what is right and to resolutely stay the course.
The only thing necessary for corruption to flourish is to do nothing about it—or to do some non-efficacious and non-resolute “thing” and then move on, often with our consciences placated and our livelihoods protected.
PETRA People—Purpose of the Sites
The PETRA People website and blogsite were created in early 2011. The websiteprovides information on the broad area of corruption and specifically on the international fraud Nordic Capital Investments (NCI).” The blogsite is “committed to discussing and sharing information that will encourage health and confront corruption in the international Christian community--and beyond.”  
More specifically, both sites purpose to:
--encourage and exhort all those affected by NCI—individuals, organisations, and the church-mission community (CMC) itself—to get accurately informed and to help
--request leaders of the organizations affected--as well as their current/former members, donors, partners, board members. and friends—to call for and help set up independent reviews with verifiable transparency and accountability
--seek justice by asking people/projects/organizations receiving NCI money (net positives) to disclose and return money
--help restore the lost credibility and integrity of specific organizations and the CMC itself.
Three Key Documents. The above purposes are strongly supported by the three international calls for assistance in the PETRA Statement 2011, PETRA Statement 2012, and the Shine the Light-Together petition (2012). These documents are well worth reviewing again as they poignantly reflect the corruption issues that still need to be seriously addressed. It is not just legal entities that have responsibility to deal with NCI but also the CMC in which so much of the NCI fraud was promulgated. Note that the PETRA Statement 2012 specifically lists many of the organizations that have been affected by NCI and hence calls on all those who have been/are connected to them to diligently provide assistance.
Note: Click here to see the list and links to all the Postings on this Weblog
Or go to the section on the far right called “Labels” to access any of the postings.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Suffering and Sacrificing to End Evil (June-July 2013)

Until Death Do Us Part?
© 2013, Nancy Ford Duncan
“In deep disappointment I have wept over the laxity of the church. But be assured that my tears have been tears of love…But, oh! How we have blemished and scarred that body through social neglect and through fear of being nonconformists….There was a time when the church was very powerful--in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society…By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contests. Things are different now. So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an arch-defender of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent--and often even vocal--sanction of things as they are….If today's church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century.” Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. (1963, excerpts—50 years ago)
NCI is an evil, just like the devastating social and moral evil referenced in the quote. It is a mangling corruption that continues in spite of the Swedish court case that ruled it to be a long-term gross fraud. It is something that has been promulgated internationally by more than just the one person sentenced in Sweden. And its destructive flames are fanned by the ongoing complicity, cover ups, and cowardice that continue to shame the church and mission community.
 We thus call yet again upon the many “affected” mission organisations, churches, and their “leaders” to help. See the various blog entries on this site for their names (knowing that there are others as well that have not yet been named). We also call yet again upon the members, donors, supporters and partners related to these “affected” entities to join together to require the organisational and personal disclosures—with verified transparency and accountability—and independent reviews necessary to see the truth come fully into the light. This inconvenient evil will only “go away” when it is fully uncovered and justice is done.
So we ask: Who will follow the example of Martin Luther King Jr., as he vulnerably wrote from his Birmingham jail in order to confront the complacency and complicity of the church in his generation? Who will sacrifice and suffer as he did, along with the hosts of others throughout history whom we all admire, in order to end this evil-- until death do us part?

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Betraying Well (April-May 2013)

Silence, Passivity, and Neutrality

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
 but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system
 is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become
a participant in its evil.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Shine the Light-Together petition was launched one year ago. It’s 100+ signatories are calling for the many individuals and organizations affected by the NCI fraud, “to transparently and verifiably disclose how they have been affected. Members of these organizations, donors, and the public are asked to help by respectfully and resolutely calling for the assistance of those affected by NCI. Millions of euros and dollars are still missing…. We urge organizations affected by NCI to emulate the organizations in the “United Response” to the New Era Scandal: be transparent, accountable and cooperate to return money.
We believe the day is coming when people and members/donors of affected organisations will come forward (as Peter did--foretold in Luke 22:31,32), with courage and truth and in spite of risks, in order to:

--share important information about the NCI fraud and  exhort others to do the same;
--resolutely and publically require their organisations to disclose and conduct independent reviews;
--help heal the shame and wounds that have seriously damaged the reputation and witness of the international church-mission community (CMC). 
Updates: Requests for Assistance
In addition to the many entries on this weblog,
refer to the PETRA Statement 2012: A Call for Integrity and Action
for specific requests, information, and links to documents
(part of the Shine the Light—Together petition). 


1. Mercy Ships International
CBS’ 60 Minutes program did an inspirational report on the Africa Mercy hospital ship (17 February 2013). The online comments express much appreciation for the dedicated staff yet also raise serious concerns about the possibility of NCI-related money flows (click here). Also see the PETRA Statement 2012 for more information. Will members and donors as well as Mercy Ships leaders/Board members—past and present—help to clarify?
2. Youth With A Mission
In addition to the PETRA Statement 2012, see the extensive entry on this weblog from 1 August 2012 (Global Shame or a Good Name?). See also the online comments for the Christianity Today article, Fleecing the Faithful—Again: Former YWAM Leader Defrauds Many (June 2011)—especially noting the important questions/documentary evidence that are unanswered and avoided as well as blaming/discrediting people calling for transparency/accountability (click here). Note that Kristian Westergard (the former YWAM leader referred to in this article) is currently serving a 3 ½ year prison term. Also note that almost none of the missing NCI money has been recovered, including money being voluntarily returned by those people and organisations that benefitted. Will the members and donors as well as YWAM leaders—past and present—(including the top international leaders, those in the Global Leadership Forum, and the IFMLT) help? 
3. Mercy Ministries Associations
See the PETRA Statement 2012 for more information. Will the current and past Board members of the four associations related to Le Rucher Centre/Ministries (France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and International) help? Le Rucher Centre and Mercy Ministries International for example have received a substantial amount of NCI-related money according to Swedish Court documents and the testimony of the Director.
4. Various Mission Organisations, Charities, and Churches
See the PETRA Statement 2012 for more information. Will members, donors, board members, and leaders—past and present—help?
 5. NCI Investors/Victims and Charity/Mission Projects
See the PETRA Statement 2012 as well as the substantial albeit partial list of investors from the Swedish court documents (click here). This list also includes the New Generation Foundation, set up with a Lichtenstein bank, which according to the Swedish court documents, received a substantial amount of NCI-related money. WiIl people help by sharing information, and if they are net positive do their utmost to return money?
It is not justice or equal treatment that you grant to men when you
abstain equally from praising men's virtues and from condemning men's vices.
When your impartial attitude declares, in effect,
that neither the good nor the evil may expect anything from you--
whom do you betray and whom do you encourage?
Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness

Friday, 1 February 2013

Defeating Corruption (Feb-March 2013)

Wake Up!
Nothing Never Happens
The only thing necessary for corruption to flourish
is to do nothing about it—or to do some non-efficacious and non-resolute “thing”
and then move on, often with our consciences placated and our livelihoods protected.
NCI is evil. It is an evil form of corruption that continues to prosper in spite of being publicly exposed in 2007 and in spite of the Swedish court case in 2010-2011 that found it to be a gross, long-standing, international fraud. NCI has prospered because so many of those affected by it (people, projects, and organisations), including those receiving NCI-related money, have either done nothing about it or else have done some non-efficacious and non-resolute “thing” and then moved on.
“[T]here are thousands of pages of court documents now that shed light on the far broader aspects of this international fraud (for a summary, click here). It is time for the many organizations and people, especially in the church and mission community (CMC), to transparently and verifiably disclose how they have been affected. Members of these organizations, donors, and the public are asked to help by respectfully and resolutely calling for the assistance of those affected by NCI. Millions of euros and dollars are still missing.” Shine the Light—Together, petition
 “In light of the Swedish court documents, we are publicly calling for the following organizations to provide assistance by reviewing and disclosing how NCI has affected them. We are also asking them to review how they have responded to the NCI matter thus far. Authorizing independent and internal reviews is strongly encouraged. It is not helpful to simply try to "move on" and leaders and members are urged now to hold their organizations accountable. There is much to learn and many ways to help. We urge organizations affected by NCI to emulate the organizations in the "United Response" to the New Era Scandal: be transparent, accountable, and cooperate to return money.” PETRA Statement 2012: An International Call for integrity and Action [review this Statement and see the entries on this weblog for more information on some of the people and organizations affected]
Transparency International (2012 video)

It's time to wake up. 
Because nothing never happens.
Something always happens when we do nothing.

Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain. 
It is also the avoidance/rationalization of personal responsibility 
in order to placate one's conscience and/or to protect one's livelihood.

You were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. 
And do not participate in the deeds of darkness, but rather unmask them. 
So wake up, and rise from the dead! Ephesians 5: 8, 11,14