Our World Needs
It also continues the call to confront the international NCI KB fraud,
is to do nothing about it—or to do some non-efficacious and non-resolute 'thing'
[often rationalizing our motives and actions as being 'noble and necessary']
and then move on, often with our consciences placated and our livelihoods protected."
Loving Truth and Peace: A Case Study (2013)
Greetings as we continue into year 13
In the latest PPNet Update (Issue 83), we continue to share new and ongoing resources to support integrity and anti-corruption in your life, organizations, and spheres of influence.
In Part One,
we focus on the Christian tradition of "discipleship"--learning to
consistently follow the teaching and person of Jesus Christ--as a core way of
developing virtue and integrity. We feature two new articles on the role
of discipleship (Christianity
Today) and healthy leadership (Lausanne Global Analysis) and presentations from two recent
conferences with integrity as their major themes (Global Integrity Network and
Transparency International). These resources provide plenty of relevant
material to support "discipling for integrity."
In Part Two, we continue to share materials to inform you about
the Nordic Capital Investment KB fraud and the ongoing requests for disclosures
and integrity. One of the recommended resources is from our Into Integrity
podcasts, Awaken the Good--Heal the Body: A Personal Exhortationto Specific Leaders.
See these related
PETRA People Updates
What Is Your Integrity Worth? Lessons for Fighting
Corruption (December 2019)
How Leaders Lie: Exploring the Lure of Unethical
Behavior (October 2020)
Lessons for Leaders: "We were wrong. We are responsible. We will change." (23 July
New and Ongoing Resources
New Resources
Corruption Is a Discipleship
Six Ways Christians
Often Make the Problem Worse and Five Steps Toward a Solution
Robert Osburn, Christianity Today (20 June 2024)
We Need New Leaders: Responding to the Cry of the 21st
Christlike Leaders
for Every Church and Sector 101
Tim Tucker, Lausanne
Global Analysis (1 July 2024)
Videos of the Plenaries are available HERE
Image from the IACC website
“In an era marked by interconnected global threats undermining global security,
the need to combat these challenges is more pressing than ever. Those who are
championing integrity, environmental protection, human rights, and social
justice are engaged in a fierce battle....The transition to a multipolar world,
characterised by an ineffective global governance system, has further
undermined efforts to fight corruption. Greed and disregard of integrity among
those in power have become a norm, perpetuating impunity by violence, a shadowy
financial system, unchecked networks of enablers, and new opportunities opened
by emerging technologies. As a global movement, we have persistently called
upon world leaders to translate their commitments to protect fundamental values
and combat corruption into concrete actions. Reflecting on [the
2022] IACC, it has become clear that these promises often fall short. We
must strengthen our alliances and support those fighting for integrity, our
shared rights and for the world we want.” (quote from the IACC website)
Ongoing Resources: Nordic Capital Investment KB et al.--Confronting the Corruption
1. The Professional Review (2008) by Rand Guebert. "This review [investigates] several overlapping matters that have affected the mission, member care, and church community...[and] aspires to promote transparency, accountability, good practice, and healthy relationships." (p. 112). [It]has been organized to draw together the various events that have led to the dismissal of Drs. Kelly and Michele O’Donnell from YWAM [and other organizations/networks] and to the potential loss of millions of dollars by investors in Nordic Capital Investments (NCI) and Stichting Dutch Investments (SDI). Many of these events are related and overlap, and this review attempts to place them in context." (p.1)
Header image from the Loving Truth and Peace website
Sunrise on the Bay of Bengal in in Mahabalipuram, TN India
The Professional Review is featured on the weblog, Loving Truth and Peace. This weblog's purpose, like that of the Professional Review, is to "review and learn, support good practice, and restore relationships. Click HERE to access this weblog and Professional Review. For a quick overview of the latter, see the Integrated Executive Summary. "One question arises over and over in this review--where is the ethical and accountable corporate governance?" (Integrated Executive Summary, page 1).
2. The Integrity Petition Shine the Light--Together! An ongoing, international petition calling for integrity and action to confront corruption in the Church-Mission Community and in particular the international NCI et al. fraud. More information via the link above and in Part Two below.
3. The NCI Summary and Summons. See Part Two below. This entry also includes verbatim the major section in the last several entries (Healing the Body: Living in Integrity--Loving Truth and Peace). They summarize many of the efforts by the People Network (PP Net) and summon the assistance of the people and the organizations affected by the Nordic Capital Investment KB fraud (NCI).
Those “affected” refers to the specific investors-victims, organizations-ministries, staff-leaders, and any others who received/lost money in this scheme or were somehow impacted. It also refers to the thousands of people who are or were part of these organizations-ministries (including Board members and supporters) and who have a moral responsibility to call leaders and others to account: to disclose, conduct independent reviews, and where there are “net positive” gains, to return money to victims.
Your true being brims over into true words and deeds.”
How you can help--Being a person of integrity!
The informed, resolute responses to NCI by those in the church-mission community (CMC) can help bring healing to many people and the reputation of the CMC. The NCI fraud, like all corruption, will not simply go away on its own, over time, by ignoring it, or by keeping silent. Remember, the only thing necessary for corruption to flourish is to do nothing about it--or to do some non-resolute "thing" and move on, feeling self-justified, with our consciences placated and our livelihoods protected. What can you do?
1. Get accurately informed. Read the materials, court documents, and exchanges with specific CMC leaders calling for disclosures and good practice. Take the time to carefully review the Summary and Summons below.
2. Join with others and hold your organizations and leaders accountable to good practice standards (see the list of organizations and leaders in the Summary and Summons below).
3. Read, sign, and share the Integrity Petition. There is an ongoing call for signatures. See below and in Part Two.
4. Beware of the deceptive tendency to rationalize wrong behaviors and to distort our true and mixed motives. Hypocrisy. The heart is more deceitful above all else, and desperately sick; who can understand it (Jeremiah 17:9). Living in integrity and staying morally engaged involve scrupulously considering how we might be hurting people and the planet--unintentionally or even intentionally--and changing our ways.
#CMCtoo -- #HealUsToo -- #MyOrganizationToo
--Some mixed and hidden motives: "I don't want to take risks. I/we might have my reputation and revenue negatively impacted. This would inconvenience me." And many more.
Header image from the Into Integrity website
Sunset along the California coastline--courtesy and © 2019 ENOD
Summary and Summons
to understand what happened and what needs to be done.
but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
Proverbs 28:13
calling for integrity and action to confront corruption
in the church-mission community and in the international NCI et al. fraud.
Read, sign, and share this petition.
In light of the Swedish court documents, we are publicly calling for the following organizations to provide assistance by reviewing and disclosing how NCI has affected them. We are also asking them to review how they have responded to the NCI matter thus far. Authorizing independent and internal reviews is strongly encouraged. It is not helpful to simply try to “move on” and leaders and members are urged now to hold their organizations accountable. There is much to learn and many ways to help. We urge organizations affected by NCI to emulate the organizations in the “United Response” to the New Era Scandal: be transparent, accountable and cooperate to return money.
Individuals and organisations committed to integrity
should welcome the opportunity to help via open investigations and verifiable disclosures.
1. Mercy Ministry Associations (MM). MM International, with related associations in France, Holland, and Switzerland (set up in 1994, 1995) are related directly to Le Rucher in France. They received hundreds of thousands of NCI-related euros/dollars over nearly 10 years. Where is this money? How will past and current board members and staff help? Docs: Money Flows Confirmed by EBM * Examples of NCI Money Flows * Suggestions (see point six in this link)
2. New Generation Foundation (NGF, GF). A foundation/account was set up in 1997 at a Liechtenstein bank by a major YWAM and Le Rucher leader. Over time it received hundreds of thousands of NCI euros/dollars. Where is this money? Doc: Examples of NCI Money Flows
3. Youth With A Mission International (YWAM). NCI is an affinity-based fraud and YWAM is the main organization affected. It is seriously affected. In July 1995 Mr. Westergard presented NCI at YWAM Le Rucher during an international YWAM conference. Major YWAM leaders invested since at least 1996 and YWAM projects received NCI-related money. Senior leaders have consistently stated that senior/international leaders were not aware of NCI and that one of the major YWAM leaders actively involved in NCI (administering contracts, receiving NCI funds, etc) and YWAM Le Rucher in France were not properly part of YWAM. Hence, it is argued, YWAM has no responsibility. These assertions are hard to understand in view of the court and other documents. YWAM leaders (e.g., IFMLT, GLF, MMI), YWAM members, and YWAM donors internationally are urged to get informed and together call for an internal and an independent review of how YWAM has been affected and how it has responded, and to persevere until such reviews are done. Will they do this? Docs: Request to YWAM Leaders for Assistance 5 June 2011, with links to investors, projects, previous requests; see also this partial list of YWAM-related investors, based on EBM documents.
4. Mercy Ships International (based in Texas USA and including Mercy Ships in the UK, Switzerland, and France). An Austrian court document from 2001 and other Swedish documents indicate that Mercy Ships (part of YWAM until 2003) was to benefit from NCI funds related to a three million US dollar transaction that was frozen by the Austrian government in November 2001. How does this transaction and other NCI-related money flows relate to this respected organization and especially the refitting of the African Mercy hospital ship, including a $10 million USD matching grant (matched between 2002-2004)? Docs: See the “NCI Documents” section on the PETRA People web site, and then open up the “Austria case” folder in the attachments.
5. Youth For Christ (YFC) in Coppet, Switzerland. The name “YFC” and its physical address in Switzerland were used for a substantial amount of NCI-related correspondence (by a person actively involved in NCI but not part of YFC). Why? YFC is a respected organization yet it has not fully investigated and verifiably disclosed what their relationship was with NCI and any possible benefits. Will they do this? Docs: Two Swiss addresses used for correspondence (Note that there was overlap between Board members of YFC Coppet Switzerland, Board members of Mercy Ministries related to Le Rucher, and the Elders Board of Crossroads Church in Ferney-Voltaire, France by Geneva).
[YFC update June 2019: There have been exchanges with one leader in YFC over the past few months about the concerns above and the concerns shared in the paper trail August 2014-current. Although not willing to request an independent review, this leader nonetheless pulled together previous YFC responses and his current responses to the concerns. We see it as a helpful step in the right direction. We also believe it would be helpful for YFC to summarize and publicly share these responses in one document. Other organizations would do well to follow the example of YFC.]
6. Churches in Holland and France. One example of a church that can really help is Crossroads church in Ferney-Voltaire, France. Members of and people attending Crossroads church were aware of NCI and many of them have invested over the years. The former pastor for example helped by sharing how he was approached to invest in 1995. Will this church do a review, inform their past and current members/attendees about NCI, and seek information from them to help? Several church leaders in the Geneva/Lausanne area were updated in 2010, 2011. Docs: Letters to church leaders
--Youth With A Mission: Loren Cunningham, Darlene Cunningham, Lynn Green, Jim Stier, Tom Hallas, Iain Muir, and YWAM leaders/staff around the world. “We would be grateful if you (YWAM leaders/staff around the world) would carefully review the petition and Statement with links to core documents.” Click here to view the list of international offices from the organization’s website, many which link to specific leaders.
--Mercy Ships: Donovan and Mae Palmer. “We would be grateful if you could please review the petition and its links to core documents and share it with members of the international Mercy Ships Executive Committee and others Board members (e.g., Don Stephens as President, Myron Ullman as Chair, Rosa Whitaker, Francoise Andre, Ian McColl, and Peter Schulze as Vice-Chairs, etc.). Click here to view the list of International Board Members and the Executive Committee from the organization’s website.
(PP Net Update Aug-Sept 2012, excerpts-introduction)
(a link to excerpts and quotes for good practice, to support YWAM leaders) What can all those associated with YWAM do? Here are four suggestions to keep in mind as you review and respond to these materials:
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